What is OPP?

OPP stands for the Open Pixel Project, and is a collaborative effort to create freely available art assets for games, shared in the public domain! That means anyone is free to edit, rip, steal, use, share or do whatever you wish with these assets in any way, without any obligations to us.

This project is moderated by Damian, Gabriel and Hapiel.

At this site you can browse and download all of the latest assets, if you want the whole pack at once we recommend you to download it at OpenGameArt

We’ve made this stuff because it is fun to make, and hope you’ll find it fun to use. Or perhaps you’d find it fun to contribute towards this set?

  • You’ll get the joy of creating, editing and working with other peoples artwork.
  • Your artwork will get updated by other artists, which you can learn from.
  • Your artwork might be used in video games or other projects.
  • You’ll never have a lack of inspiration, there is plenty of stuff to do.
  • You get to work with a fun and tight community, the OPP people!

See you at the forums, or in the chat!